Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
आजको राजनीतिक परिदृश्यमा नेपालको ऐतिहासिक गल्तीहरूबाट केहि सिक्ने कि?

आजको राजनीतिक परिदृश्यमा नेपालको ऐतिहासिक गल्तीहरूबाट केहि सिक्ने कि?

सन् १८१४-१८१६ को अंग्रेज-नेपाल युद्ध नेपाली इतिहासमा उच्च शत्रुहरूको सामनामा राजनीतिक र रणनीतिक त्रुटिहरूको खतराको उदाहरणको रूपमा सम्झिन्छ। ...

Learning from Nepal's historical mistakes in today's political scenario

Learning from Nepal's historical mistakes in today's political scenario

The Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814–1816 is remembered in Nepali history as an example of the danger of political and strategic errors in the fac...

Understanding the complexity of Nepalese politics

Understanding the complexity of Nepalese politics

Rich in breathtaking natural beauty and cultural heritage, Nepal's political landscape is as varied and complex as its geography. Nepali...

नेपाली राजनीतिको जटिलता बुझ्दै

नेपाली राजनीतिको जटिलता बुझ्दै

मनमोहक प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य र साँस्कृतिक सम्पदाले भरिपूर्ण नेपालको राजनीतिक परिदृश्य भूगोल जत्तिकै विविध र जटिल छ। नेपाली राजनीति राजतन्त्रबाट...

Why did Communism inevitably lead to dictatorship and totalitarianism?

Why did Communism inevitably lead to dictatorship and totalitarianism?

Imagine someone has a great idea for a machine. They need someone to produce it, someone to organize the production, someone to set up the d...

This is why Communism failed!..

This is why Communism failed!..

Every time communism was tried without the backing of state power, it failed. Whenever it was tried with the backing of state power, it fail...